
What is Causing My Tooth Pain?

What is Causing My Tooth Pain?

A toothache is defined as any ache, soreness, or pain around or in a tooth. This could be an extremely unpleasant and frustrating experience, because aside from the dull or sharp pain, the affected tooth might likewise be sensitive to hot and/or cold temperatures or excruciatingly painful when you bite or chew on it.

To identify the source of your pain, our dentist, Dr. Inderpreet Atwal, here at Atwal Dental Care in North Syracuse, NY, will take into account several potential diagnoses according to your dental examination, medical history, and imaging tests. Until then, find out about the most common tooth pain causes to try and determine what’s causing your symptoms.

Teeth Sensitivity

This develops due to exposed dentin, which is the tissue beneath your enamel. Your dentin might become exposed because of cracked teeth, worn-out fillings, cavities, or gum recession.

Tooth Decay

The formation of cavities and enamel erosion are the most common causes of tooth decay. Although cavities are usually painless, once it has reached the dentin, it would present symptoms such as pain and increased sensitivity.

Gum Disease

Basically, gum disease occurs when your gums have been infected. When this happens, your gums will become swollen, red, hot, and painful. Left unresolved, gingivitis will advance into periodontitis and cause gum deterioration and bone loss.

A Fractured or Cracked Tooth

This might occur due to trauma and symptoms can include a sharp and piercing pain when chewing or biting. The affected tooth may likewise be very sensitive to sour and sweet foods and cold or hot temperatures.

A Dental Abscess

An abscess is typically caused by bacteria accumulation inside the pulp due to pulp inflammation (pulpitis) or an untreated cavity. The infected pulp will attempt to drain the infection using the tooth root’s tip and cause constant pain that worsens when you chew or tap on the infected tooth. This requires a visit to your dentist in North Syracuse, NY, because it could result in serious complications to your overall health.

An Impacted Tooth

Teeth could become impacted if something, like bone, gums, or other teeth, is preventing them from moving into their correct positions. This could create tooth pain, jaw pain, and pressure.

Need Relief from Tooth Pain? Contact Us

Dial (315) 452-1020 to set an appointment with your dentist here at Atwal Dental Care in North Syracuse, NY, Dr. Inderpreet Antwal.